"Unless you become like one of these, you can't enter Kingdom." And, "Let the children come to me, for such as these are Kingdom."
Try to imagine Jesus with children. Not sitting properly with a child on his knee, but rolling in the dust with them, tickling, laughing, giving horseback rides...kids squealing, pulling his beard...now we're getting the idea. If Jesus wasn't like one of these, then his message would not have had authority. He and his message are one.
And so we work to make it with our children and youth. For infants, toddlers, middle school, and junior high, our child care and youth instructors move into the children's world to bring them the model and message of Jesus in a way they can appreciate.
Through imaginative crafts, videos, reading, and play, children at theeffect are encouraged and stimulated. Child care is available for most gatherings throughout the week [see the Gatherings pages and calendar for availability for specific events] and child care and youth instruction are available for Sunday Gatherings.
If you have any questions or special needs for your child or if you'd like to know more about how you can help and get involved with our children and youth, contact our ministry leader.
Rita Danner | ministry leader
[email protected] | 949-388-6924

