There are times when we all need help. Circumstances, events, and our own choices can conspire to create very difficult situations. As a community, that's why we're here--to help each other in good times and bad. Whether it's praying together, talking, or taking action, we want to be there when hardships strike whether illiness, injury, grief over loss or broken relationships, or any other life challenge.
We also want to be there proactively, to help direct and guide each other into new choices or careers or ways of looking at life and relationships. Whether reactive or proactive, here are some of the ways we can help.

prayer | grief support | hospital/house visits
If there's a loss or an illness or injury or any difficult circumstance that you'd like to talk about, pray with someone over, and have someone with you as you work through, let us know how we can help.
Email us or call Marian Brisbin at 949.291.2553 to discuss.

helping hands Do you have a task or chore that you need help with? Are you a single mother or injured or older and need some physical help with moving or something around the house that you just can't quite manage? Do you need a ride to the airport or to a Gathering? We may be able to help.
Email us or call Frank Billman at 949.547.8635 to discuss.

Where do you go when you don't know where to go for help? Or if you don't know what or whom you need for help? If you know you need help for a specific problem and are unsure where to go, let us know.
For alcohol and substance abuse related problems, you can call our RecoveryLine seven days a week toll-free at 888.690.0900. For more information, see our RecoveryLine page here.
You can also get more information on recovery issues at our Recovery page or for specific questiions, you can call Frank Billman at 949.547.8635 or email us.
For other needs email us or call Dave Brisbin at 949.293.4259.

counseling and spiritual direction Whether you feel you need help for marital, pre-marital, grief, depression, parenting or other issues or whether you're looking for ongoing spiritual mentoring or direction, let us know. We can get you connected to a good counselor--all of whom are all board certified and/or degreed in their specialty areas. [May require fee for services.]
See our Pastoral Counseling pages or email us or call Dave Brisbin at 949.293.4259 for initial consultations and more information.

life skills and life coaching
Maybe you're having trouble finding a job or holding a job or managing your finances. Maybe you need to rethink your career or need basic life skills or help building a resume and managing the interview process. Maybe you need help refocusing your life and attitude or just need help quitting smoking. We can connect you to life coaches and life skills specialists who can help. [May require fee for services.]
Email us or call Dave Brisbin at 949.293.4259 to discuss.
If there's anything else we haven't mentioned, and you're unsure whether we can help, email us or call Dave Brisbin at 949.293.4259, and we'll see what we can do. You can also just speak with any of our pastors before or after our Gatherings, or ask to speak to us in private if needed.