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Our midweek gatherings are focused on those who are highly motivated to look deeply at their faith and lives and the intersection between the two. It is a safe place to ask politically incorrect questions and search together, not so much for answers, but for better questions, more incisive and relevant questions and ways forward. Come have a conversation with us about the most important things in life.

Beginning October 5, we are settling into a few weeks of...

wednesdays | beginning october 5 | 7:30PM | @theeffect
the way of christ
A series focusing on the Way of Jesus, the Way of living life with the Father. Come join us this Wednesday at 7:30pm in our main room.

Contact our teaching pastor if you have any questions about the midweek gathering or the ministry school.

Dave Brisbin | teaching pastor
[email protected] | 949.293.4259

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